Relationship Institute Australasia

Counselling and
Professional Training

RELATIONSHIP INSTITUTE AUSTRALASIA offers Certified Gottman Method Couples Therapy training for professionals as well as group and individual supervision. Both Trish and John are certified as Gottman Marital Therapists, Advanced Clinical Trainers & Consultants and have extensive experience in providing all levels of Gottman Training and Certification supervision. We also have a range of in-house training options for organisations.


Level 1 - Bridging the Couple Chasm

Relationship Institute Australasia is the first and longest serving organisation in Australia to offer accredited Gottman training and therapist certification. RIA is led by both Trish Purnell-Webb and John Flanagan - Certified Gottman Therapists, Advanced Clinical Trainers & Gottman Institute Consultants. We also welcome Gottman Clinical Level 1 Trainers - Campbell MacBean, Psychologist, Clinical Supervisor & Certified Gottman Therapist and Carole Simpson, Psychologist, Clinical Supervisor & Certified Gottman Therapist.

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Level 2 - Assessment, Interventions and Co-morbidities

Continue your Gottman training journey with Advanced Gottman Clinical Trainers, Trish Purnell-Webb and John Flanagan. Relationship Institute Australasia is one of the leading agencies in Australia in Gottman training and therapist certification. Deepen your understanding of Gottman Method Couples Therapy… Expand your strategies & interventions with couples! Level 2 Training will expand your assessment strategies and intervention techniques. This is the next step toward certification and designation as a Certified Gottman Therapist. At the completion of Level 2 Training, you should have the clinical familiarity, knowledge, and resources to integrate Gottman Method Couples Therapy assessments and interventions into your clinical work with growing confidence.

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Level 3 - Practicum

Complete your Gottman training journey with Advanced Gottman Clinical Trainers & Consultants, Trish Purnell-Webb and John Flanagan. Relationship Institute Australasia is one of the leading agencies in Australia in Gottman training and therapist certification. Through videotaped cases of real couples, hands-on role plays, demonstrations of assessments and interventions, and nuanced discussion of technique, the Level 3 Training significantly expands your understanding of when and how to use Gottman Method strategies.

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The Gottman Certification Track

The Certification Track is the final step in the process of Gottman Method Couples Therapy clinical training and results in certification as a Certified Gottman Therapist (CGT). The Certification Track entails Consultation with a Senior Certified Gottman Therapist and Video Review.

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Individual Therapy for Couples Problems

This one day workshop will explore the main evidenced-based theories and models relating to intimate relationships and how to assist an individual partner to make positive change through the use of psycho-education, cognitive and emotional self-exploration and behavioural interventions. The training will incorporate lecture, group discussion, video and Q & A.

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Supervision / Professional Consultation

Group and Individual Supervision / Consultation

Trish Purnell-Webb and John Flanagan are Australia's only Certified Gottman Therapists, Advanced Gottman Clinical Trainers & Consultants and are available to provide supervision to help develop your couples counselling practice and answer all your questions regarding the Gottman Model and interventions our approach to Integrated Couples Therapy based on the integration of both Gottman Marital therapy and Emotion Focussed Therapy for Couples. Both Trish and John are also available to provide consultation to therapists working towards certification as a Gottman Marital Therapist.

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Let's Talk Infidelity - Live and interactive via ZOOM

Let’s Talk Infidelity

The disclosure of infidelity and betrayal is among the most devastating and painful experiences that couples face. It is also one of the most challenging and complicated problems encountered in therapy. This Live and Interactive via ZOOM 2 days will explore the theory of infidelity and it’s causes, the symptoms and relational impacts of betrayal and loss of trust, models of treatment and present a range of intervention strategies for helping couples repair, rejuvenate and rebuild their relationships.

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2025 Australian CGT & CTC Retreat - Invitation Only— 16th & 17th October 2025

Join us for an exclusive two-day retreat designed specifically for Certified Gottman Therapists and clinicians currently on the Gottman Certification Track pathway. This invitation-only event, taking place on the 16th & 17th of October 2025, offers a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and grow alongside fellow professionals dedicated to the Gottman Method. Engage in dynamic presentations, brief workshops, live demonstrations, and rich discussions that will enhance your clinical skills and deepen your professional network.

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